2021 Conference – Urban Transformation: Resources

Overview – virtual INUAS Conference 2021
INUAS, a trilateral cooperation among the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM), the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences and the FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, concentrates on the role that universities of applied sciences play in urban development and initiates collaborative efforts and projects that focus on “urban and regional quality of life.” We respond to the challenges posed by large cities undergoing transformative change with an inter- and transdisciplinary approach that combines economic, environmental, social, and technological perspectives. This way we seek to generate ideas for sustainably improving quality of life. We founded the INUAS network 15 years ago to promote international cooperation, which we consider the basis to cope with the challenges of the globalized world, and to exploit opportunities for further development.
The conference series “Urban Transformations: Housing I Resources I Public Spaces” represents a consistent implementation of this idea. The aim of the conference series is to create a platform for a critical appraisal of current issues and perspectives in the development of the metropolitan regions of Munich, Vienna and Zurich. A place of exchange not only between scientists, but also between political actors and stakeholders of the respective metropolitan regions. We want to discuss existing challenges in growing cities and regions and contribute to the sustainable development of urban spaces.
The second event in this conference series will be organised by the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences in March 2021 and will take place virtually. The topic of resources is the focus of the 3-day conference. The four thematic sections MATERIAL, TIME, SPACE, ENERGY will be illuminated from different perspectives.
Those interested can find details of the agenda under the menu item “Program“.
Careful use of resources is a necessary prerequisite for maintaining and improving the quality of life in rapidly growing cities. Finally we want to create an overview in the sense that Covid-19, the climate crisis and growth policy are directly related. Therefor we look for holistic approaches to solving current challenges.
With the INUAS conference 2021 “Urban Transformation: Resources” the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, along with the many speakers at this conference, contributes to the discourse on the challenges of urban transformation. At the start of the conference series, the conference in Vienna in November 2019 focused on the topic of “Housing”. The third part of the conference series will be held in September 2022 in Winterthur and will be dedicated to “Public Spaces.”
Vice President Prof. Dr. Sonja Munz, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences
Scientific Committee/Jury
Gerald Beck
Department of Applied Social Science, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences
Oliver Bohlen
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences
Vicente Carabias-Hütter
School of Engineering, Institute of Sustainable Development, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Marc Diebäcker
Department of Social Work, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences
Peter Jenni
School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, Institute Urban Landscape, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Andrea Kustermann
Department of Civil Engineering, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (conference chair)
Silke Langenberg
Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich
Robert Meier-Staude
Department of Engineering and Management, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences
Christian Schweigler
Department of Building Services Engineering, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences
Christoph Stoik
Department of Social Work, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences
Markus Wellenzohn
Department of Engineering, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences
Conference Chair
Andrea Kustermann
Stefanie Mau
Petra Wiese (project lead)
The conference organisation would like to thank
Corinna Fröhling, INUAS Network Coordinator, IO, Munich University of Applied Sciences
Svea Kolibius, Graphics, Munich University of Applied Sciences
for their support.