Munich, Vienna, and Zurich meet at Munich University of Applied Sciences for productive exchange

What do the universities of applied sciences in the three metropolitan areas of Munich, Vienna, and Zurich have in common and where do they want to go as a group? Representatives of Munich University of Applied Sciences, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, and FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences addressed these questions at this year’s meeting of the INUAS network in early November at Munich University of Applied Sciences. Members of the universities’ central administration, international offices, and various working groups discussed new, common event concepts related to the topic “Urban Quality of Life” and adopted the action plan for the coming year.
Conference Series Urban Transformation
The international conference: Housing under Pressure: Dynamics Between Centers and Peripheries, which will be held at FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences in November 2019, kicks off a three-part conference series Urban Transformations: Housing / Resources / Public Spaces. With this the INUAS network continues the inter- and transdisciplinary discourse on urban transformations in growing metropolitan areas. The conference series is intended to promote exchange about the future of urban living spaces, discuss contemporary challenges, and thereby contribute to the sustainable development of these spaces.