INUAS Annual Meeting 2017 focused on urban and regional quality of life

Members of the universities’ management, lecturers and experts from a number of working groups, and representatives from the universities’ international offices took part in the 2017 annual meeting of the INUAS universities: FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, Munich University of Applied Sciences, and ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
The meeting concentrated on the network’s central focus “Urban and Regional Quality of Life.” Participants reached a common understanding regarding the concept of quality of life. They decided to create a conference series in the coming years dedicated to the future of urban living spaces. The participants thereby succeeded in establishing key focus areas for INUAS’ central research area.
New teaching formats and joint research projects
The knowledge acquired through these activities is also meant to benefit students, for example through the design and sharing of new teaching formats. Joint research projects will also further strengthen the network’s collaborative efforts. Attendees at the 2017 annual meeting were positive in their assessment of existing network events and collaborative activities, particularly in the areas of health and social work.
Future activities should contribute to positioning INUAS more prominently as a knowledge hub for political, economic, and societal questions related to urban quality of life.
The next INUAS annual meeting will take place at Munich University of Applied Sciences on November 5 and 6, 2018.