INUAS 2019 Conference: Jury is delighted to receive 155 submissions!

Academic contributions, projects, excursions and initiatives from 32 countires were handed in for the INUAS conference. The jury is delighted to have received submissions from 6 continents – contributions came among others from Australia, New Zealand, Brasil, Colombia, China, India, Iran, Turkey, South Korea, Egypt, South Africa, USA, Canada, Denmark, Poland, Czechia, Russia, Sweden, Spain and Portugal. The interdisciplinary jury consisting of members of the universities FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, Munich University of Applied Sciences and ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences reviewed submissions at FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences on March 11 and 12, 2019.
The selected contributors will be announced in April 2019.
Registration for the conference „Housing under Pressure. Dynamics Between Centers and Peripheries” from November 4 until November 6 2019 will open in June 2019.