Importance of resources in architecture

On “Day of Architecture” in Germany in 2020, everything will be focused on the “resource of architecture”: our handling of existing buildings, cities and green spaces in the future, as well as their design and the associated use of resources. The INUAS conference, which has been postponed to March 3 to 5, 2021, due to corona reasons, will also be dealing with this topic. Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg, head of the Scientific Committee of the conference and professor of architecture at the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM), explains here why this topic is so very important to her.
HM: Why is the topic of “resources” so relevant in architecture?
Silke Langenberg: The existings buildings are an incredibly large store of material and energy that we can and should use. Although this has been a recurring theme for decades and the losses caused by the careless demolition of buildings have been pointed out, unfortunately practice often looks different. The german Baukultur Report 2019, for example, illustrates many interesting aspects of the topic of “resources” in the field of architecture.
How will the INUAS conference explore the topic of “resources”?
In four different sections: Resource MATERIAL, ENERGY, SPACE and TIME. I find the overlapping areas particularly interesting.
Which materials do you prefer to work with and why?
My focus is on the field of monument conservation, so naturally it is primarily high-quality and historical materials that I prefer to work with. The specific kind of material is then rather secondary.
Further information about the conference can be found on the INUAS Conference website. The program of the conference will be published there from October on with the possibility to register.