INUAS 2020 Conference: jury selects from around 100 submissions!

Due to the current coronavirus crisis, the jury decided under difficult conditions via video conference at the end of March which of the submitted scientific papers would be accepted for the next INUAS Conference in autumn 2020 in Munich.
Many interesting submissions for The resource MATERIAL, The resource TIME, The resource SPACE and The resource ENERGY subject sections were received during the Call for Papers. Submissions increasingly came from the DACH region and also from Canada, Colombia and Jordan, for example. The interdisciplinary jury headed by Prof. Silke Langenberg, Munich University of Applied Sciences, consists of representatives from Munich University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciencesand Zurich University of Applied Science. It was their job to select the most interesting papers and compile an appealing programme for the autumn conference. Those who submitted papers will be informed whether these have been accepted by mid-April 2020.
Registration for the Urban Transformation: Resources conference, which will be held from 9 to 11 September 2020 in Munich, is expected to open in May 2020. The jury hopes that the conference can go ahead as planned, given the current global situation, and looks forward to welcoming many participants in autumn 2020.
For more information about the conference: INUAS conference 2020