2019 Conference: Housing under Pressure

Call for Papers, Projects and Interventions
Housing Under Pressure. Dynamics Between Centers and Peripheries
Conference Series – Urban Transformations: Housing | Resources | Public Spaces
Nov. 4 – Nov. 6, 2019, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, Favoritenstraße 226, 1100 Vienna
This international conference will focus on the topic of housing in growing cities. The topic will be discussed from a variety of disciplinary and applied perspectives. Bringing together diverse sets of knowledge and discussing scientific and practical professional expertise on the basis of current research findings, innovative projects, and urban interventions will lead to the discovery and development of new perspectives on social housing and sustainable development. A respect for the realities of residents’ lives and their conceptions regarding future developments is necessary in order to identify the most pressing challenges and potential for innovation and to allow discussion about opportunities to socially manage change.
Submissions were due until February 28, 2019.
Selected contributors will be announced in mid-April 2019.
The Conference Committee is pleased to inform you that 155 contributions – academic submissions, projects, excursions and initiatives – from 32 different countries were submitted to the Call for Papers, Projects and Interventions. We would like to thank all participants for their active interest in our conference and the many interesting papers handed in.
The conference program will be published at the beginning of June. Registration for the conference will open at the same date.
Target group and proceedings
The Call for Papers, Projects and Interventions addresses researchers, graduates and students from various disciplines as well as actors and initiatives in applied fields of work
who deal with housing in growing regions or cities and wish to contribute their expertise to the analysis and sustainable development of these regions or cities. Within the framework of the conference, selected participants will present their contributions in conference panels, poster sessions and excursions or urban interventions.
All submissions will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Committee and associated experts. The contributions accepted by the jury will be published in the conference’s Book of Abstracts. For selected papers presented at the conference that are particularly worthy of publication, the Scientific Committee will advocate further, relevant and free publication possibilities.
Researchers are asked to submit an abstract of 400 to 600 words (a max. of two A4 pages) and assign it to one of the eleven thematic tracks. Abstracts for scientific contributions should briefly outline the research question and methodological approach as well as essential results and conclusions. Contributions can
be submitted in German or English.
Abstracts (including contact details) must be submitted here by February 28, 2019. An interdisciplinary jury will decide
on the selection of entries. The speakers will be informed about the results of the selection process in April 2019.
Project presenters are asked to submit an abstract of 400 to 600 words (a max. of two A4 pages) and to assign it to one of the eleven thematic tracks. Abstracts for project contributions should briefly outline the concept, innovative aspects, methods of implementation, sustainable effects of the project as well as findings and
challenges. Contributions can be submitted in German or English.
Abstracts (including contact details) must be submitted here by February 28, 2019. An interdisciplinary jury will decide on the selection of entries. The presenters will be informed about the results of the selection process in April 2019.
Projects and initiatives also have the opportunity to present innovative projects in the form of excursions or urban interventions in Vienna. Interested parties are asked to
submit an abstract of 400 to 600 words (a max. of two A4 pages) and to assign it to one of the eleven thematic tracks. Abstracts for excursions/urban interventions should briefly outline the concept, innovative aspects, methods of implementation, sustainable effects of the project as well as findings and challenges. Contributions can be submitted in German or English.
Abstracts (including contact details) must be submitted here by February 28, 2019. An interdisciplinary jury will decide on the selection of entries. The presenters will be informed about the results of the selection process at the in April 2019.
Martin Aichholzer
Department Building and Design, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences.
Vicente Carabias-Hütter
School of Engineering, Institute of Sustainable Development, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
Marc Diebäcker
Department of Social Work, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences.
Angelika Eder
Department of Health Sciences, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences.
Henriette Fischer
Department Building and Design, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences.
Isabel Glogar
Department Building and Design, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences.
Peter Jenni
School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, Institute Urban Landscape, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
Philippe Koch
School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, Institute Urban Landscape, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
Silke Langenberg
Department of Architecture, Munich University of Applied Sciences.
Christoph Stoik
Department of Social Work, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences.
Markus Wellenzohn
Department of Engineering, FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences.
Thematic focus of conference contributions
The conference “Housing under Pressure. Dynamics between Centers and Peripheries” focuses on challenges in eleven thematic tracks. Each track is outlined by two themes
that generate tension in the context of housing, open up new perspectives or discursive spaces, and invite exchange. Researchers and stakeholders from the fields of architecture
and urban planning, urban studies and housing research, social work, art and culture, economics, social sciences, health sciences, technical sciences and more, are invited to
submit scientific contributions and projects from urban practice on the following topics.
- Affordable Housing – Quality of Life
- Gentrification − Public Space
- Health − Social Exclusion
- Densification – Neighbourhoods
- Housing Markets – Zoning Policies
- Mobility − Urban Climate
- Digitalisation − Self Determination
- Urban Development − Self Organisation
- New Housing Forms − Building Sustainably
- Informal Housing – Micro Living
- Land Use Policies − Local Economies
Language and Costs
Presentations and contributions to a discussion can be given in English or German. The conference language in plenum is English.
The conference fee will be significantly reduced to € 140,- (students € 50,-) for speakers, presenters and other contributors who present their papers, projects or
excursions/interventions during the conference. The organizers do not cover the costs for travel and accommodation.
Further Information
- Call For Papers INUAS 2019 Vienna Englisch (pdf 0.17 MB)